🔍emil.comms — file explorer

prices ?? about ?? contact

loading . . .


(s)he/it // w. asian + white


discord @ talkingvirus


icon/headshot $5
chibi $10
blinking headshot $10
halfbody $25
fullbody $35
custom $40
add character $5 per
complex bg $10


OK! ✔️ humanoids, ships, oc x canon
NO GO! ❌ nsfw, extreme gore, mecha, feral

not sure if i can? ask!

i accept idv gifts, cash app, and paypal as payment!

tos . . .

failure to abide by the tos will result in you being blacklisted! you agree to the terms when you commission me. unless you ask me personally to keep it private i will post your commission for examples.

OK! ✔️ personal use, small edits, slight redesigns, trading, gifting, reselling. customs only for the last four.
NO GO! ❌ financial use, large edits, full redesigns, selling for more than you paid for, absolutely no ai or nft usage.